Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pug Story has arrived!

Hi there,

I will keep this short and sweet.  I felt it only appropriate to share with all of you who have continued to read my blog (as some of you have mentioned that you are now starting on your own book) some great news!

My book is out and will be on shelves here in local Chicago stores in the next week or two and by the end of this week our updated website will be live at www.pugstory.com  It is the most amazing feeling to see all of your hard work come to life and hold a beautiful book in your hands that you helped create!  If I can do it.... so can you! People's faces light up when they see it and trust me....there are few better feelings than making someone smile.  Never give up on your dreams!

My next entries will discuss how to market your book and get it out there into the world.

And don't forget to just WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!